
My 4th finished novel in the Indie June TBR Takeover was "DupliKate" by Eliza Whitten.

Olive has been in her twin sister Kate's shadow her entire life. Kate is the popular one, the one everyone knows and loves. Olive is identical, anxious and constantly mistaken for Kate. As they grow up together Olive shrinks further and further into Kate's shadow until a mistaken case of identity causes the ultimate humiliation at their Senior Prom. Olive vows that she will never fall in love again and will be going to school as far away from her sister as possible. 

This plan seems to work until a few years into college. Kate appears in Olive's class on the first day of the semester informing her that she has transferred and the whole cycle starts again. Luckily with the help of her amazing friends including her newly befriended hot neighbor, Olive begins to break through the cycle and learn how to be her own person. 

I did not know I needed a rom-com...but god did I need a romcom. There's something so soothing about reading a book that the main character gets the guy (or girl) in the end. Laughing along with the hilarious moments. For me rom-coms simulate everyday life much more than a full on romance novel. Life is full of the silly stupid moments. Like throwing up on your crush's shoes after they force your very out of shape butt to run a few miles, and them still thinking you're adorable and laughing at you about it. This theory of mine may also stem from the fact that if it's not a romcom I'm probably reading a historical or paranormal romance so it's harder to compare with everyday life...not that I don't still try. 

Speaking of relatable. Olive, is so relatable. That awkward, clumsy, socially anxious girl? Yep, meet me for my entire life. I hate going places I haven't been before. I stress out over not knowing the parking situation and I don't do well without having a "comfort" person with me. Also known as someone I am extremely comfortable with, or depending on the situation someone I know. 

I was so proud of Olive for actually competing in the talent competition. In addition to being socially anxious, I also have an older sister who was everything I wanted to be when I was a kid. On the outside I never saw her social anxiety so I honestly don't know if that came in later. But everyone who met my sister loved her. She was friends with everyone and always seemed so confident. While I have literally hidden in the bathroom when I got too overwhelmed, my entire life. So Olive figuratively flipping her twin sister the bird and competing in a competition in spite of her was epic. 

Honestly Kate was a little B. Olive deserved so much better and in my opinion Olive forgave way to easily. Yes they are sisters, but I am a firm believer that blood does not make family, just because you share blood with someone does not mean they have instant deserved access into your life. It does not mean that they get to treat you like crap and still be there. Sister's fight, but it was obvious that Kate knew on some level the effect she had on Olive. Or maybe she really was that oblivious that she didn't even notice how everyone mistook Olive for her...I almost feel like that's worse, how can you be so oblivious to your TWIN sister? 

I'm not sure if we were supposed to hate Kate or not...I'm not even sure if I hate Kate or not. I'm really confused on that portion. But I suppose I am glad that in the end they were supportive of each other. That in the end Kate apologized. I suppose it's Olive's business if she wants to forgive and forget. 

Anyway, rant about the real evil twin aside. This book had my laughing, cringing and I definitely enjoyed it. 
