Girls of Paper and Fire

Yesterday my sister texted me a picture of a book, and I got so excited I squealed. I did not realize how behind I am on writing about the books I’ve read this month. Please excuse the discrepancies between my goodreads timeline and when I actually get around to writing, I’ve been having the mother of all mental health months, it’s been a real party and that usual consists of me zoning out and watching tv or tiktok and if I read at all, doing so slowly and not having the spoons to write about it. 

My sister sent me a picture of “Girls of Paper and Fire” by Natasha Ngan, asking if I had read it, she liked the cover so she picked it up. 

I absolutely love that my sister has started sending me pictures of the books she’s gotten or choosing between asking my opinion. I was super excited to tell her that yes, not only had I read that book, but that it is amazing and I cannot wait to finish the series. Usually the only person I really bombard my bookishness on is my Mom. Watch out sister, cuz Imma start sending even more “you should read this” texts...

“Girls of Paper and Fire” is the first novel in a fantasy series about human girls, the “paper” caste who are treated as the lowest class as demons and half demons rule their country. Each year a select number of girls are chosen from the paper caste to be concubines of the demon king. This year there is an extra, Lei who is brought from a remote village by a general looking to appease a transgression against the king. Lei is not a willing participant, she is kidnapped, threatened and forced to go. 

Lei is a beautiful character, she is strong and true and doesn’t buy into the lie they are fed about honor. That being the king’s concubine is an honor. Lei does not like the king, she does not wish to be his concubine, she wishes for freedom, she wishes to be home. She wishes for love in places that her society deems invalid. 

I love watching the girls in the house unite. Though they have differing opinions about their predicament, some are happy, others are complacent, some are outraged. But in their situation they find common ground, they start supporting each other and caring for each other. Not all of them but slowly they come around and become sisters of sorts. 

Though please someone read this novel so we can talk about Lei and Wren cuz I'm freaking bursting.

There are some trigger warnings on this book for non-consensual stuff and assault. I’m not going to go into detail, one because I don’t want to spoil the book for anyone who might read, and two because I do not want to accidentally trigger someone, just be aware if that is something that can badly trigger you I would not advise reading this series.

I know a lot of us are trying to diversify the voices we read and please rest assured I am loving going down this path and will continue to put up lists that I research as well as blabbing on and on about the ones I in particular read.

Also I am always open to suggestions, I feel like I need a page a mile long to write the names of my favorite authors as I keep finding new ones to love.
