Give it 3 chapters, you won't regret it

Some novels take a few chapters to get into. I have become a strong proponent of bailing and bailing fast if I’m not into a book. I have a busy life (aka I’m a workaholic and have a small child), my reading time is limited and I don’t want to spend it doing something that feels like work.

However if it’s a book I’ve really been looking forward to reading I have a rule. I will read 3 chapters. If my mood doesn’t change after chapter three I will bail. This rule is based on “The Gammage Cup” which my older sister literally had to read to me to get me to read because I couldn’t get involved...until about 3 chapters in when I read the entire book in one night while I was supposed to be sleeping. 

I am so glad, I applied this rule and did not bail. Sarah J Maas is an incredible author, this girl churns out books faster than I can churn out a design project. I mean two very long novel book releases in a year for a minimum of two different series at a time….and her books are incredible!

I found SJ 2 years ago on Litsy. Everyone was talking about the “Throne of Glass” and “Court of Thorns and Roses” series’. I fell in love instantly. Her writing is like poetry and I was getting at least two books of the series from the library at a time so I didn’t have to go every day to pick up the next one. I LOVED it. 

When I found that she had started the “Crescent City” series this year I was over the moon! “Throne of Glass” has ended and the next “Court Of” book isn’t due to drop until February (I’ve never paid attention to book drops before). Imagine my disappointment when I was having soooo much trouble getting into this novel. My favorite author and I couldn’t get involved in the novel. 

I decided maybe it was simply because I hadn’t read any of her work in awhile and I should apply my 3 chapter rule...I am so freaking glad I applied that rule. By the beginning of chapter 3 I was HOOKED...and spent the past 3 days reading the entirety of the very very long novel. 

Bryce is an epic character. The perfect underdog badass. I was on the edge of my seat from chapter 3 on. Such an intense mystery filled, laugh filled, tear filled experience. It had me looking up when the next one of the series drops….It doesn’t drop until next October, excuse me while I sob. 

My favorite part of the book was the relationship between Bryce and Danika. How strong and truly vital their friendship was. I actually got pissed when someone was like “oh was she your lover”. No asshole, there are levels of friendship that are even closer than that. The person who becomes your adopted family, who accepts you exactly as you are. Who will always defend, always protect, always have your back. 

It made me miss some people in my life. I firmly believe every book you read has something for each different person in it. What you get out of the book the first time you read it vs the third time you read it will often be different. And will often even be different from what someone else gets from the novel. 

I have always had friends that felt more like family, after having my munchkin I drifted away in my own depressive bubble and I lost that. I think this is my signal to really put an effort into getting that back. 

The “hot takes” of it is, if you don’t like a book but its one you were really looking forward to, give it a few chapters to redeem itself before you toss it. If you weren’t really looking forward to it, move on, it may not be something that you “need” to read at the moment, books speak to us when we read them, sometimes you may not be ready to read that one yet. 

“Crescent City : House of Earth and Blood” by Sarah J Maas
