I don't know what to believe, but I'm intrigued

My first thought upon starting this series was that it had to be an alien invasion. The trees were pods that were lying in wait, waiting till everyone was comfortable, learning it’s surroundings, building up and then detonating and creating an alien invasion more plausible.


However in this latest issue that doesn’t seem to be the trend. Yes the Trees reach a point where they become destructive, black flowers show up and the entire radius for miles around the tree explodes…


But what if the tree is really absorbing the life and vitality around it, uploading it to whatever unknown entity. What if in the same way we horribly use lab rats, some other unknown race in the universe is using planet earth as it’s cage of rats. Absorbing all of it’s knowledge, all of it’s errors and then transporting it back to their world, to learn from our mistakes before they make the same ones.


I’m not sure what to believe yet but I am very excited to move on to the next issue the next time I have a moment to run to our local comic shop.


Trees: Three Fates by Warren Ellis and Jason Howard

