What is going on

Clearly I have mildly failed at the whole book blog for the past month....in truth I've failed at my reading goals so far this year, and that is okay. The world has literally fallen apart, we are struggling to survive financially, emotionally, mentally and physically as a global community. It's okay to let your goals fall by the way side, have your panic attack, or 20 let yourself process what is going on. 

I didn't process at first, first I thought everyone was making too big of a deal, then I spent an entire week barely breathing I was so worried about my young son and husband who were staying isolated together at home all day and who's only contact with the outside world was me, going to work every day. The amount of stress that puts on a person's shoulders is incredible I truly truly felt what it's like to be terrified for your child. 10 out of 10 would not recommend. Then I stayed home and spent the next week in an entire week long panic attack. Which is bad, yes but it was also very cleansing. It allowed me to move forward this past week, to start reading again, to start exercising, to get a good routine going, to be able to handle the fact that I cannot leave my tiny apartment. 

I will be writing more as I'm actually reading again, I have actually found a way to work it into my daily routine so I'm reading almost every day. Look forward to all of the imaginary adventures I go through on this crazy quarantine we call life at the moment.

