Never Want to Leave my couch

Now that hubby has gotten me on the comic book train, I can’t stop. I suppose in this case it should be called a graphic novel. I honestly don’t understand the difference. I started a new series, I kept telling hubby when we went to the comic shop that I wanted to find a series that wasn’t Marvel or DC, something different that I could get into on my own. Once again totally hooked.

Suspense is what keeps us holding on in stories. I’ve also become partial to stories that are told by multiple protagonists. I feel that it gives a more clear picture of the real situation. “Trees” definitely delivered that. There was no real clear delineation when it switched characters, other than the setting in the images changed, however it actually wasn’t hard to follow. It provided a seamless transition into the next “scene”.

I loved the artwork, the lack of shiny pages, simple paper and muted tones, was perfect for the story. I cannot wait to read the next one, and the next one and the next one.

“Trees: In Shadow” By Warren Ellis and Jason Howard
