I married a nerd

Before this year I could honestly say I have read exactly 1 comic book in my life. I’ve read thousands of books, but only one comic book. It was an Archie comic my mom got me in the grocery checkout line one day. I read it no less than 5 times all the way through (it was a series, not just one issue). 

My husband is a bit of a nerd, comic books, video games. That is him 100%. We are a final fantasy household, not a WOW household….sorry not sorry, I agree with him the graphics are better in FF. We often struggle on finding things to do together, he wants to teach me how to play a fighting game...I abhor fighting games (mostly because I suck at them). I would love for him to sit there and read with me, but reading isn’t really his thing…..it’s a dilemma that usually ends in us re-watching “The Office” for the third time through. 

In December of last year he started getting back into comic books. By getting back into comic books, I mean him in a comic book shop is the exact same as me in a bookstore. Danger zone, do not leave him alone or all our money will be gone. On one particular trip I went with him and he asked if I wanted to try comic books...I am now hooked on them as well. I didn’t really get that into my first one. While I love Catwoman, and the novel Sarah J Maas wrote about her, I could not get into the comic. Hubby had been disappointed that I chose Catwoman and had gone back and bought X-men Dark Phoenix saga, because he wanted me to read the X-men (his favorite). 

It took me most of a month to get through the comic (again series not single issue, I’m not that slow of a reader). In my defense I was working out a lot in January and every time I sat down and opened the comic I fell asleep. Finally after getting enough sleep, I could not put it down, I went to work in the morning excited to get home and finish it. 

I love the old-school artwork in the issue I got. 80’s super heros are the best. Some of it is cheesy, but the story pulled me in and the artwork was incredible. I’m now having to keep myself from the comic book shop to keep from buying all the subsequent series. 

“X-Men: Dar Phoenix Saga” by Chris Claremont and John Byrne
