Never stop dreaming

Dreams are the foundation for everything. Why do we pursue careers, degrees, that weight loss program? We pursue these things because we have a dream, a dream of what the future could be, if we get that degree, if we get that job, if we lose those pounds. Dreams give us the drive we need to accomplish things.

I was originally looking for an uplifting book, a cheesy romance novel to get me through a rough patch in both work and personal life. Something I could relax into as I commuted to and from work, the only alone time I was getting. However, what I stumbled upon was so much more.

This novel was not the calm easy romance I was expecting. This novel was heart wrenching, I found myself following the roller coaster of emotion. Sometimes it was cheesy, sometimes I sat there wondering how on earth Shay could be so calm, collected, full of grace, that there was no way if it was real life she would be rolling with the punches so much.

Yet in those moments my mind kept going back to a particular woman I’ve met a few times at my parents church when I visited.I have only spoken with her, maybe twice in all the times I’ve attended church with them, however every time I go I see her. She is always smiling, this woman radiates sunshine. I have cried in front of this woman, this woman who’s name I can’t even remember, I have cried while she rubbed my back praying with my mom over major life decisions for me. My mom once told me this amazing woman’s backstory and how she had a terrible hand dealt to her and somehow she moved past that, and in her gratefulness for the life she has now she comes every week radiating sunshine, spreading happiness to everyone around her. 

This amazing woman is a testament to the fact that there really are people who have gone through so much undeserved crap but the karma they put back into the world is all joy. Shay’s character brings another example of this. Shay’s character reminds us that hope is possible. That hope is vital. In the beginning of the story you see her completely without hope, you see how toxic that kind of devastation can be. How important “a dream” is. When the reality is, if you have no dreams of the future it really means you have no hope.

Hope is such an incredibly vital emotion. Hope is what keeps us alive. “Any dream will do” should be a life motto for everyone. Every time you find yourself feeling lost, anytime you find yourself without that motivation, without that drive. Give yourself a dream, any dream, anything you want to accomplish. Something to look forward to, something to strive for.

"Any Dream Will Do" by Debbie Macomber 


  1. Ah; I will definitely have to add that one to my list. Sounds like she got a little deeper than usual.

    1. She totally did. I think you would really enjoy this book!


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