Know who your girls are

I loved the relationship between Leighann and Nicole, at times I forgot Leighann was in fact Nicole’s ex mother in law the two women are so close. Seeing these two women be so powerful and strong together was inspiring, it made me reflect on my own female friends, the ones I know will always have my back. It’s so true how so often the people we think are our closest friends turn out to not really be the friends who you can turn to when bad things really start happening. I know this is technically a negative but I think it is good, because people who you may have not given as much credit to before show themselves as true friends.

Upon my own reflection into the women that I know will always be there for me I found it astonishing how much it has changed and also how much it hasn’t. How there’s still some people that no matter how much time passes no matter how much time we don’t spend together, I know they would always, always be there for me if I really needed them and I them. Even more so I found it amazing to realize the women I would go to first if my life was falling apart, the women that until that moment I hadn’t realized would be the ones I would go to. 

It is my absolute favorite when novels do this. When the story is so compelling so captivating that it makes you feel for the characters. More than only feeling for the characters it makes you reflect on your own life, what would you do in that situation? Now that you’ve read this novel would you handle it differently? I am a very strong believer in the fact that no one ever stops learning, there are lessons in everything, I think people don’t see those lessons because they are not open to seeing them. Also not everyone will see the same lesson. I believe every story, every creative expression has many different lessons, interpretations and views that can come out of it. What you get out of it depends on where you are in your life at the time, the personal experiences you have encountered so far, the struggles and triumphs YOU have experienced and are currently wading through. 

Debbie MacComber’s stories are light and easy to read, yes there are trials in them but her writing style ads and air of lightheartedness to all her stories. She has constant lessons woven into her stories and I would highly recommend any of her books, I honestly have yet to read one I haven’t liked.

“A Girl’s Guide to Moving On” by Debbie Macomber
