New Year New Goals

Happy New Year! New Years and January are always so full of promise. We make promises to ourselves, we make promises to each other. We call them resolutions and swear that this year it will be different than the last. I have decided that resolutions are complete and utter crap. Every year I make them, rarely do I complete them, two years ago is the first time I literally ever in my entire 20 some odd years of life completed one. 

In 2018 said I would read 52 books, one for each week of the year. Shockingly enough I did it. I read 74 books in 2018. When I say read I should preface by saying that I'm usually stuck commuting to work for about two hours a day total and I do during my commute often listen to books. I count listened to books as books I have read, I'm not sure why they wouldn't count but I feel it should be mentioned that I am counting those. So if you think that's a cheat then I have read far less books than I believe I have. 

Last year, 2019 I said I would read a hundred books before the end of the year. Obviously as I'm here saying I no longer believe in New Years resolutions, I did not in fact achieve that. I read a measly 42 books last year, not even achieving the number I set forth in 2018. I can attest this to a few factors, 1) I spent more time going out and doing things, I listened to Shonda Rhimes "Year of Yes" was extremely inspired and started saying yes to more things and it was absolutely fabulous. 2) I watched way too much tv, I'm halfway sorry about this one, I feel like I watched some awesome movies while doing my own nails, and some good tv...however I also watched some crap tv or rewatched things I didn't really want to rewatch I only wanted something to do. 

For 2020 I have a new modo. I did not make "resolutions" I set goals for myself. With the help of my trusty "Passion Planner" (seriously side note if you don't have one, get one, they are amazing and the only reason I accomplished anything last year), I have an outline for how to achieve said goals and man am I motivated. 

Since I did not complete my "resolution" last year to read 100 books I have made that my goal for this year. I want to read/listen to 100 books. Obviously I am including all of the audio books that I listen to while driving to work, when my toddler makes me watch the same cartoon for the hundredth time while putting him to bed, while I do the dishes and various other mundane household tasks, of course the books I read, and the comic books my husband is trying to get me into (only if they are an entire story arc, I'm not that much of a cheat that I'd read a little comic issue and call it a day).

Here's to 2020 may we all read some truly amazing books! A few sources I found towards the end of this last year are Reese's book club on instagram, as well as Oprah's they both pick truly amazing books. As well as book of the month club, they post their books on their instagram as well. So far I've read some I love and some that I'm not so sure about. 

Happy Reading <3


  1. Replies
    1. Haha thank you! I'm definitely like 50% but....I'll catch up..maybe haha


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